California Street Road Diet

The California Street Road Diet project will improve travel along California Street for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. California Street improvements will be made at various locations between Alpine Avenue and Eighth Street, including replacement of sections of curbs, gutters and sidewalks, signal improvements, and the addition of bike lanes.


Four miles of bicycle facilities will be added along California Street from Alpine Avenue to Eighth Street, and on Eighth Street from California Street to El Dorado Street.


These improvements will transform California Street into a complete street that will accommodate all modes of travel as envisioned in the City’s Bicycle Master Plan.


Project Schedule and Status Updates

The project will take approximately one year to complete, depending on weather conditions.

  • Phase I – Miner Avenue to Alpine Avenue
    • Construction will begin in Fall 2023.
  • Phase 2 – Eighth Street to Miner Avenue
    • Construction work will begin in Fall 2023
  • California Street Road Diet (flyer)

Construction Activities & Parking Restrictions

Lane Closures

In segments where construction is occurring, vehicle traffic will be reduced to one lane of travel in each direction. Please watch for changing conditions and posted signage, reduce your speed, allow additional time for travel or take alternate routes, and follow instructions of workers directing traffic.

Sidewalk Access

Work will occur on one side of the street at a time. Pedestrians will be directed to the opposite side of the street. Please watch for changing conditions and posted signage, allow additional time to reach your destination, use designated crosswalks, and follow instructions of workers directing traffic/travel.

Parking & Driveway Entering/Existing

Entrances and exits to driveways will remain open during construction except for the limited period of time it is necessary to perform work at a specific property. Parking restrictions will be posted at least 48 hours in advance, requiring no parking between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Vehicles parked in the posted work area will be towed at the owner’s expense.



For questions about this project, please make a request through Ask Stockton using the California Street Road Diet Project topic.


For specific concerns or questions about construction, please contact:

  • Chris Fallbeck, Construction Management Team, (916) 770-7175
  • Zulema Rodriguez, City of Stockton (209) 937-5499



Total anticipated project cost $9.446 million, including:

  • Active Transportation Program (ATP) $4.39 million
  • Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Grant $1.2 million
  • Measure K Renewal Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Safe Routes to School $1.377 million
  • Measure K Smart Growth $4.206 million


External Links

San Joaquin Council of Governments - Measure K information


This City of Stockton web page last reviewed on --- 10/25/2023