Nuclear Accidents

All nuclear power plants in the U.S. are closely regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and accidents are unlikely. The nearest nuclear power plant is in Southern California, hundreds of miles from Stockton.

A nuclear power plant accident is not the same as a nuclear weapon. Although radioactive materials could be released in a cloud or plume, no fallout is produced to endanger people. This is considered a type of hazardous materials incident, so many of the responses will be the same.


What will the City do?

  • A City-wide, official announcement will be made with information and instructions.
  • A Nuclear Notification Terms bulletin will be issued using these terms:
    • Alert - A radiation leak inside a nuclear power plant, but it will not affect the community.

    • Site Area Emergency - A more serious problem. Small amounts of radiation could leak from a nuclear power plant.
    • General Emergency - A serious problem. Radiation could leak off the plant site.
  • Public safety officials will determine shelter locations in case of an evacuation and will respond to life threatening emergencies via 9-1-1 calls.


What should you do?

  • Radio and TV stations will provide information and instructions if a radiological incident occurs. 
  • You may be required to evacuate or shelter-in-place. Be familiar with the procedure as outlined in the Hazardous Materials recommendations.


Disaster Preparedness

Disaster preparedness is essential for everyone. Please take the time to develop a plan with your family. Visit the City of Stockton Emergency Preparedness Readiness webpage or the links below for helpful personal safety planning tips.


If you have questions about the City of Stockton Office of Emergency Services, contact Stockton Fire Department Administration or the Office of Emergency Services.

In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1.


External Links

San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services (SJ- OES)

American Red Cross

California Emergency Management Agency (CALEMA)

California Emergency Management Agency (CALEMA) - Nuclear

F.E.M.A.- Federal Emergency Management Agency

Ready.Gov - Provides disaster preparedness tips


This City of Stockton web page last reviewed on --- 8/19/2015