City Initiatives

One Page Strategic Plan®

The City of Stockton executive leadership team has developed a One Page Strategic Plan® to accomplish City Council goals. These strategies, plans, and metrics guide and measure results and support the vision of making Stockton the best city in America to live, raise a family, and grow a business.



Stockton Stat Logo

Modeled after CompStat in New York, CitiStat in Baltimore, and CincyStat in Cincinnati, StocktonStat serves as a performance management system with the ultimate goal of increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving effective delivery of municipal services to the community. StocktonStat provides City leadership with regular opportunities to discuss operations, address issues, diagnose causes, and invest in solutions – all supported by data and analytics to guide informed decisions and outcomes.


Innovation Lab

The Innovation LabiLab logo (iLab) employs LEAN principles to improve business processes for efficiency and effectiveness.  Front line employees come together in the iLab to address some of the City's most challenging operational and customer service areas. By challenging organizational norms, identifying solutions, and eliminating waste, the iLab helps streamline City operations.


Future Initiatives

Some future initiatives that will be addressed within the Office of Performance & Data Analytics include Open Data and Stockton Insights.


External Links

There are currently no external links.

This City of Stockton web page last reviewed on --- 2/1/2023